AHA MEDIA notices AHA TORO bottles at Central City Mall in Surrey, B.C.

AHA MEDIA  after attending WordCamp Fraser Valley 2009, to film good friend and mentor Lorraine Murphy http://www.raincoaster.com  and her presentation on creative blogging at SFU Surrey,  noticed AHA TORO Tequila Bottles on the display shelves at  Central City Liquor Store in Surrey, B.C.

Below is a photo of Peter Davies of AHA MEDIA who noticed AHA TORO bottles and our similiar prefix of the word AHA 🙂

AHA MEDIA noticed AHA TORO Tequila

AHA MEDIA noticed AHA TORO Tequila 2

Perhaps one day, AHA MEDIA will attend an event with AHA TORO in it 🙂

  1. August 30, 2009 at 11:42 pm

    You should hit them up for a sponsorship.

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