
Archive for the ‘Kachina Makier-Williams’ Category

Kachina Makier-Williams on her 30 hour fast for Idle No More movement in Vancouver, Canada

January 20, 2013 Leave a comment
  • The Youth in the lower mainland area are gathering at Vancouver Community Policing in support of idle No More and Chief Teresa Spence. This Fast Will also provide as an information session for youth to educate each other. Along with education there will be games and activities through out the night so it will be some fun times. At the end of 30 hours we will break the fast with a feast. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND!    BIG THANK YOU TO KACHINA A STRONG YOUNG SPIRIT WHO STARTED THIS ALL
3 April of AHA MEDIA speaks with  Kachina Makier-Williams of 30 Hour Fast for Idle No More in Vancouv
April Smith of AHA MEDIA speaks with Kachina Makier-Williams during her 30 hour Fast for Idle No More. Below is the transcript of their conversation

April: I am so glad to see you here today during your 30 hr fast, please tell me more about it!

Kachina: Well my name is Day Star Child and my English Canadian name is Kachina Makier-Williams and today we are doing a Fast! and what we’re doing this Fast for is for Idle No More and to raise awareness for youth as for Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal people in Canada and how the Bill C-38 and 45 affects all Canadians, not just Aboriginal people. And what the bill does, is affects protected lakes and rivers and how it puts them at risk as well as protected animals. and it makes it so that non profit organizations… it makes it harder for them to speak out. And it’s important for non profits to speak out and it’s important for non profit organizations to speak out because non profit organizations are the voices of communities! And if those communities don’t have that help to speak out about their issues! Then they’re aren’t able to tell the government what their issues are and get them fixed.

April: Well that is so great to hear that all your friends, family and supporters are doing this! How many hours has it been, into your 30 hour fast?

Kachina: Well it started at 1oam and now it’s 850pm

April: It’s almost 12 hours.. How do you feel?

Kachina: Well I’m a little hungry..and I know I’m going to be really hungry when I wake up.

April: Yeah?

Kachina: It’s just a really great feeling, knowing that I’m doing this for a good cause! And having people come to support and drop by

April: Absolutely! We at AHA MEDIA and the rest of our Media Contacts; we totally support what you’re doing! When I heard about this, I knew I had to come down here, so thank you so much for seeing me at such a late hour. Normally I wouldn’t be coming so late but a good friend of mine Tina, You gotta come down, They’re young and they’re hungry! Literally, they’re hungry! So I think that this is such a wonderful cause you’re linking with for the greater good. It’s so wonderful that you are so well spoken and so well informed. I don’t think very many people know exactly why the Idle No More movement is going forward but I think you explained it in such a wonderfully descriptive way that anyone can understand and people should be involved! This is the community voice that needs to be heard above everything else.

Kachina: What we’re doing here is raising awareness! So that people understand it’s not just for Aboriginal people, because I’ve had some students in my school come up to me and say “Don’t you think that this is an inconvenience?

April: What? Ohh.. That is so tragic. I am very sorry to hear that!

Kachina: It’s like… Why are you doing that? I’m sitting there thinking. Why is it an inconvenience? Why is it NOT an inconvenience when you block traffic for the Sun Run? Because you’re trying to raise awareness!

April: Yes

Kachina: What we’re doing is the same thing. And so we’re making them aware that it doesn’t just affect Aboriginal people and that they should be embracing it and standing up with us and using their voices to speak out!

April: Well, you know you said it so well! I think to bring more awareness to these really important issues is really exactly what you’re doing. You’re really doing it in an effective way! Going on a hunger strike is so hard to do! You believe in it with all your heart and all your soul and all your belief systems. I’m sorry to hear that some of your peers are not as aware as you are but perhaps this little video can totally change their mind! Is there anything else you’d like to say to me or any last thoughts?

Kachina: I would like to add that a lot of students are also supporting me. One of my African friends said he wanted to come today, unfortunately he wasn’t able to, a Caucasian friend of mine said he wanted to make it but he couldn’t either and a lot of my people are.. when I see them around school, they’re like “Hey, that’s so cool that you’re doing this.

I go to a Christian Adventist school and in the morning, in morning prayer, I guess one of the teachers saw the video and showed all the teachers and the teachers are coming up to me and saying “Hey, that’s really great what you’re doing.

April: I think that’s wonderful, Activism and care for the community, if you can start right now at any age… especially you with your thoughts, it’s going to really change not just your life, but also the lives of your friends, your family, your loved ones, all your relations. And you are certainly Idling no more! You are taking a stand going a little bit hungry but the message is really clear and direct. It’s Now! We’re tired, we’re absolutely tired!

April: So I want to thank you so much for your time and inviting me into your wonderful beautiful space. I honour you so much and I know that all our followers and supporters and friends on Facebook, Twitter and all the social media and on TV will be going WOW! What a great job, what can we do to support you?

So thank you so much for everything!

Kachina: You’re Welcome!

Little Girl: Byeee!

April: Byee!

6 April of AHA MEDIA speaks with  Kachina Makier-Williams of 30 Hour Fast for Idle No More in Vancouv

1 April of AHA MEDIA speaks with  Kachina Makier-Williams of 30 Hour Fast for Idle No More in Vancouv

2 April of AHA MEDIA speaks with  Kachina Makier-Williams of 30 Hour Fast for Idle No More in Vancouv