Home > AHA Media, Community Engagement, Downtown Eastside, Downtown Eastside Street Market, DTES, DTES Street Market, Jacek Lorek, Roland Clarke, Vancouver, Vancouver Downtown Eastside > 195th DTES Street Market at Pigeon Park in Vancouver Downtown Eastside (DTES) on Sun Mar 2, 2014

195th DTES Street Market at Pigeon Park in Vancouver Downtown Eastside (DTES) on Sun Mar 2, 2014

195th DTES Street Market and 9th Street Market of 2014

Roland Clarke, Coordinator of the DTES Street Market says:

This was the 195th market at Pigeon Park on Sunday, and it was a snowy and rainy one.

The morning was cold with snow flurries until the late morning. Around noon, the temperature warmed into the typical rainy Vancouver winter day.

We had over 20 tents to put up – thanks to our funder the Central City Foundation – and saved what would have normally been a disastrous day.

Lots of information was given out at the main tent. We had three new potential DNC board members sign the nomination forms.

We also had a guest group – ALIVE – Aboriginal Life in Vancouver Enhancement – giving our information and signing up new members. Our hope is that ALIVE will set up its own tent in the spring and maintain a permanent presence at the market.

There were just a few minor incidents of note.

In the morning, the VPD came and confiscated a huge bottle of vodka from the drinkers. This put a damper on their party and made them much easier to manage throughout the day.

Also in the morning, I got a call  from Frank Luba of The Province who did a short interview on our expansion plans to 62 East Hastings and wrote this story.

A sign of more good things to come?

0 sun mar 2 2014 cover

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