Home > AHA Media, Community Engagement, Vancouver > 26th Annual Pan Pacific Vancouver Christmas Wish Breakfast and Toy Drive

26th Annual Pan Pacific Vancouver Christmas Wish Breakfast and Toy Drive

Back for its 26th straight year, the Pan Pacific Vancouver is holding its annual Christmas Wish Breakfast on Wednesday December 11th from 6am – 9am.

Each year we ask Vancouver to join us at the Hotel and donate a new unwrapped toy the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau which helps needy children during the Holiday season. In exchange for everyones generosity, the Pan Pacific will provide a complimentary hot breakfast buffet on the house!

Never been to the Wish Breakfast before? Well to give you an idea….last year we saw over4,000 people visit the Hotel donating over 12 tonnes of toys and $25,000 in cash donations. For breakfast we served over 12,500 sausages, 1200 lbs of of hashbrowns, 800 kg of eggs and 4200 croissants. Not bad huh?

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