Home > AHA Media, April Smith, Community Engagement, Downtown Eastside, DTES, Heart of the City Festival, Heart of the City Festival 2013, Vancouver, Vancouver Downtown Eastside > DTES FRONT AND CENTRE: Love on the Piano for 10th Annual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival 2013 in Vancouver on Oct 30 2013

DTES FRONT AND CENTRE: Love on the Piano for 10th Annual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival 2013 in Vancouver on Oct 30 2013

DTES FRONT AND CENTRE: Love on the Piano
Wednesday October 30, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Carnegie Community Centre Theatre, 401 Main
DTES Front and Centre presents a selection of the many incredible performing artists from the neighbourhood. This year we have invited singers and musicians whose work springs from the keyboard, with the music of love. The line-up features mezzo-soprano A.S. Naomi Narvey with Chansons d’Amour: Edith Piaf, accompanied by pianist Elaine Joe; Stan Hudac, extraordinary pianist and local favourite, will play rhapsodies and blues; Carnegie regular Joyce Morgan, in her first Festival appearance pianist, will share her love of Bach and Beethoven; and special guest Vancouver Blues Queen Dalannah Gail Bowen, accompanied by the awe-inspiring Michael Creber on piano, will play us home. Free

This event was on  Day 8 of  the 12 Days of the Heart of the City Festival. Please check the website for more events!

The 10th Annual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival
Wednesday October 23 to Sunday November 3, 2013

Over 80 events at over 25 venues throughout the Downtown Eastside


2013 hotcf guide

On page 9 of the Festival Program guide, there is a writeup on AHA MEDIA

The Festival is thrilled to partner with the DTES’s AHA Media to provide social media coverage (video/photos/blog) of the Heart of the City Festival. AHA Media gives voice to our local community and provides services for individuals and organizations to share their news and special events on a broader scale through social media. Founded in 2008 by local artists April Smith, Hendrik Beune, and Al Tkatch, AHA Media previously collaborated with Fearless City Media and has an ongoing working relationship with W2Community Media Arts and various other organizations and individuals in the DTES community. The members of AHA Media describe themselves as “definitely not mainstream media”. Based in Vancouver’s DTES, their style is described as non-invasive and unassuming.

Say Hello to AHA Media as they visit the Festival events. They will be happy to chat with you. Stay connected to the festival with AHA’s links – see photos/videos of the festival events you attended; take in a festival event you missed; or follow one festival event while you are attending another!

Follow AHA MEDIA on Twitter, Facebook,  Youtube and Flickr!

AHA MEDIA Twitter   @AHAMEDIA  @AprilFilms  

AHA MEDIA Facebook http://www.facebook.com/AHAMEDIA

AHA Media YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/AHAFilm

AHA Media Flickr Photos http://www.flickr.com/photos/AHAMEDIA/sets

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