W2 Belongs To Me: Community Information Meeting – Wed Dec 19, 2012

This is an information meeting about the very real threats by the City of Vancouver to evict W2 programs from the Woodward’s heritage building. Learn background info, and find out how you can participate in our community’s response to the attempt to evict W2 on December 31.

We’ll also discuss W2’s financial challenges which threaten W2’s capacity to operate a sustainable community media arts centre. How are we doing, how we plan to be sustainable, and what we and our partners are doing.

The City, landlord and property management company are working to push W2 out over non-payment of $90,000 in amenity/strata fees and because they simply do not like what we do.

This eviction of our programs is delivered, despite our clear demands in correspondence as far back as February 2012, that W2 needs to receive services for amenity fees levied. Instead of hiding behind “legal” arguments about how they cant do anything, City Councillors should respect the local communities’ capacity and ability to build a centre inclusive for all – not just the market.

Instead of attempting to gentrify W2’s grassroots community and inclusive programs and services out out of Woodward’s, City Council and staff should be stepping in to address their own failures to act on City policies for City properties like the Woodward’s heritage building that despite our complaints discriminates against low-income people, persons with disabilities vis-a-vis wheelchair access and public bathroom policies.

W2 has persevered against 4 previous City attempts to block community access to Woodwards. Now we are building a community-engaged media arts centre that works to unite Vancouverites across race, gender and class. Let’s work together to make it last. If we can’t we are forced to move again ~ would be W2’s 6th home in 5 years if you are counting 😉

If we work together, we can demand the Woodward’s development works for the community, not just retail and commercial interests. Woodward’s was meant to be more than that.

11 AHA MEDIA at W2 Belongs to Me Community Meeting in Vancouver

This is your opportunity to learn more about what we are doing, help you connect with people with similar interests to defend W2, and get more involved with building a campaign. W2 (R)evolution needs your help now!

W2 Belongs 2 Me members’ meetings are designed to help connect fans of W2 to be more active participants. The session will be important for members, programming partners, volunteers and staff to find our common interests in order to protect the grassroots values of W2 in an otherwise hostile gentrified Woodward’s environment.








W2 LIGHTS NYE is taking on more meaning this year as we fight for a genuinely inclusive Vancouver, not one racially segregated and only for the middle class. We do not know if this event will take place at Woodward’s or a new site. Stay tuned and participate! http://www.facebook.com/events/500924206594289

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