Take Back Canada with Mel Hurtig event in Vancouver

The Take Back Canada event began with ‘The Canadian Sellouts aka Hall 23 giving a rousing performance of inspirational songs and ended their set with the song “Blame Canada”

Ruth Meta veteran Vancouver activist and event organizer introduced the man of the evening MEL HURTIG, PUBLISHER, and ORDER OF CANADA RECIPIENT!

Everyone gathered in close to listen to Mel and his mesmerizing speech of social justice, income redistribution and making sure our politicians are accountable on all level of government!

A well attended crowd in Vancouver was motivated and inspired by Mel’s words.

A lively Q&A happened after his amazing talk.

  1. February 12, 2012 at 6:43 pm

    Thank you so much for filming this and making it available to those of us that could not attend in person. Mr. Hurtig is extremely knowledgeable on Canadian issues, and am glad I was able to watch this.

    The only disappointment, if you can call it that, was when Ruth asked him the question that millions across Canada wanted an answer to, and that was how to remove harper before 2015…… unfortunately, his answer was TIC – I do wish it had been answered to the best of his ability.

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