Home > DTES, Homelessness, Vancouver, Vancouver Downtown Eastside, Vancouver DTES > Letter Writing Campaign For the New Fountain Shelter

Letter Writing Campaign For the New Fountain Shelter

Tuesday, February 15 at 6:00pm – March 31 at 9:00pm

DTES Vancouver
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Hello friends, 

As some of you may know, the New Fountain Shelter is currently fighting to stay open. Our shelter is full nightly with approximately 45 homeless people. We feed, provide support in a person’s search for housing, distribute clothing donations and of course provide shelter for those who have none.

We are collecting letters of support. They can be simple or complex. They could express a personal experience at the New Fountain Shelter, or they could generally address the positive impact of shelters on our community.

If each of you takes the time to write and send even a small paragraph it will have a major impact.

Please send letters of support to: jakeh@phs.ca and jessicaj@phs.ca.

Thank you, we are depending on your support!

New Fountain Shelter Staff

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