Home > AHA Media, April Smith, Community Engagement, Downtown Eastside, DTES, Fearless City Mobile Project, Irwin Oostindie, Livestreaming, Nokia N97 mini, Peter Davies, Richard Czaban, Sid Tan, Vancouver, Vancouver Downtown Eastside, W2, W2 Community Media Arts, W2 Storyeum, W2 Woodwards > W2 MEDIA MAKERS’ WORKSHOP at W2 Woodward’s Meeting Room for 7th Annual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival in Vancouver on Wednesday Nov 3, 2010

W2 MEDIA MAKERS’ WORKSHOP at W2 Woodward’s Meeting Room for 7th Annual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival in Vancouver on Wednesday Nov 3, 2010

Wednesday November 3, 7pm-9pm
W2 Woodward’s Meeting Room
250–111 W. Hastings

Come visit the first part of the new W2 community media centre opening at Woodward’s and learn about media production opportunities. From 7pm to 8pm Sid Tan and Irwin Oostindie will introduce community television production opportunities and W2’s new community TV studio in the basement of Woodward’s. Then from 8pm to 9pm learn about W2’s new radio program that mixes up the voices of W2 members, current affairs and artist perspectives on inner-city life and the world around us, www.creativetechnology.org. Free

AHA MEDIA is very proud to help provide social media coverage of the 7th Annual Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival in Vancouver from Pre festival events starting Wed Oct 20, 2010 through to the Main Festival during Wed Oct 27 – Sun Nov 7, 2010


AHA MEDIA is about exploring mobile media production through New Media cameras. For a better quality version of  video or for additional footage, please DM April Smith @AprilFilms on Twitter or Facebook.com/AprilFilms

Please follow AHA MEDIA on Twitter , Facebook, Youtube and Qik



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