Home > AHA Media, April Smith, Fearless City Mobile Project, Vancouver, Vancouver Downtown Eastside > R.I.P Lenore Herb aka Doreen Grey – Activist and Vancouver Punk scene photographer/filmmaker

R.I.P Lenore Herb aka Doreen Grey – Activist and Vancouver Punk scene photographer/filmmaker

Lenore Herb recently passed away of pancreatic cancer.  She will be remembered by many in our Vancouver community and will be greatly missed. R.I.P Lenore !

For over 30 years Lenore aka Doreen has worked as an alternative underground videographer, bringing music, social causes and alternative art to the community

About Lenore

Lenore Herb has been practising eco-social art for more than 30 years.
She is a pioneer of poetrymusic and environmental videography,
filmmakercurator, producer, poet and serious environmental advocate.

Working with a coalition of environmental groups,
in 1989, aided in successfully stopping the
Ashcroft / Cache Creek hazardous waste incinerator.

Co-wrote with Dermot Foley “Garbage War on the Future”
supported by Vancouver Citizens Action Network
the Yalakom Ecological Society, Western Canada Wilderness Society,
Cache Creek Area Citizens United, Catalyst Eduction Society,
Greenpeace, Cache Creek Landfill Legal Defense Fund
and which is as true today as it was then,
due to the prolific waste and resource greed of our society.


From 1989 – 1990, Waste Management Director  (S.P.E.C.)
1990 – 1995  President of SPEC (Society
Promoting Environmental Conservation)

See more of Lenore here

AHA MEDIA most memorably remembers Lenore as a very active participant in our Fearless City Mobile Project of W2 Community Media Arts

Thank you Lenore for everything you did! We miss you!

  1. October 25, 2010 at 10:41 am

    Thanks for this thoughtful post. Facebook has been awash with the tears of the old punk rock scene – so sad to lose another great person who did so much to make a difference.

  2. Tom Quirk
    October 27, 2010 at 8:22 am

    I first met Lenore at 1948 West Third winter of 1969/70, and would see her intermittently through Kits in the early 70’s. A fiesty, outspoken character who made good art – check out her videos done to bill bisset’s poetry. She did it her way and I honour her memory.

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