Home > AHA Media, April Smith, Kemp Edmonds, Mitch Baldwin, Nokia, Nokia Canada, Nokia N97 mini, Social Media Club Vancouver (SMCYVR), Tom Hall - Womworld London, Vancouver, Womworld Nokia > AHA MEDIA at Social Media Club Vancouver (SMCYVR) – Nokia Digital Scavenger Hunt at Trout Lake on Thursday Aug 5, 2010

AHA MEDIA at Social Media Club Vancouver (SMCYVR) – Nokia Digital Scavenger Hunt at Trout Lake on Thursday Aug 5, 2010

On August 5th, Social Media Club Vancouver, in association with Nokia Canada, is taking social media out of the office and into the great outdoors for its first Digital Scavenger Hunt. More specifically, to Trout Lake Beach, in an event that everyone will enjoy.

Bring your mobile phones and cameras, and get ready to scour neighbouring spots for clues. The digital scavenger hunt is family-friendly and there’s no cost to attend. Mobile media mavens from Social Media Club Vancouver and Nokia Canada will be on site to guide participants on how to use mobile location tools to win prizes.

The event will run from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Trout Lake Park is easily accessible via Skytrain, and Nokia Canada will be on site demonstrating their latest phones. Some of them are so user-friendly that even a five-year old could operate them!


Leslie Murray and April Smith of AHA MEDIA formed together a team to go treasure hunting using the Landmarks Application off of a Nokia N97 mini

Below is a closeup of our instructions and Nokia N97 mini with Kemp Edmonds in the background

Below is a photo of Tom Hall of Nokia Canada and his reflection in the screen of Nokia N97 mini

Below is one of our clues

Below is a photo of Mitch Baldwin and Tom Hall watching the usage of the Landmarks Application on a Nokia N97 mini

AHA MEDIA was very proud to be the first winner of the  Social Media Club Vancouver – Nokia Digital Scavenger Hunt !!

Among the prizes was a cute charm to accessorize a Nokia cellphone

With many thanks to Tom Hall of Nokia Canada, Raj and Social Media Club Vancouver for a fun filled evening !

  1. August 6, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    Hi April,

    Thanks for coming to the SMCYVR/Nokia Canada Digital Scavenger Hunt April and thanks for your wonderful post!

    It was great to see you out enjoying an event as opposed to your usual taking pics and video ie: working…I’m happy you got to have some fun.

    Hopefully we’ll do it again next year.



    Social Media Club Vancouver – Founder

    • August 8, 2010 at 9:02 am

      Thanks Mitch!! Really felt welcomed and would like to get involved in more events you’re doing

  2. August 7, 2010 at 4:50 am

    Cool, I’m so sorry I missed you. Home sick. 😦

    I love the shot of Tom’s reflection. Slick!

  3. August 9, 2010 at 1:05 am

    Hi April,

    It was a pleasure finally meeting you in person!

    Thank you so much for having joined us. It just wouldn’t have been the same without you there!

    Great shots, by the way!

    • August 10, 2010 at 9:38 am

      Thanks Guacira! 🙂 It was lovely meeting you! Thanks very much for all your hard work 🙂

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