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Hendrik Beune of AHA MEDIA and his gift “Under the Sea” quilt for his parents 60th Wedding Anniversary in the Netherlands!

For Hendrik’s parents’ 60th wedding anniversary coming up!!… He bought an original work of art for them: It is a quilt, a beautiful wall-hanging, depicting a tropical fantasy scene that is called “Under the Sea“.

Under the Sea: Sandi Bajcar

Laurel Birch panel. Machine practice piece. 30,000 stitches, maybe more.


Hendrik would like to present it to his parents as coming from the Beunes in Canada (including his daughters). He selected it because it struck him right away as being very beautiful and fantasy rich. and hopes that his parents will feel a connection through this piece for the reason that they all shared a very close connection to the sea.

“I have bought an original work of art for them: It is a quilt, a beautiful  wall-hanging, depicting a tropical fantasy scene that is called “Under the Sea”. I hope that they have a good spot for it in their new apartment. At the end of the hall, near the bathroom door, I would envision to brighten up an otherwise dark and uninteresting cul de sac.”


In this photo is Hendrik Beune and Peter Davies of AHA MEDIA with Lisa Fox Valdes of Downtown Eastside Centre for the Arts admiring the over 30,000 stitches that went into the making of the “Under the Sea” quilt


In this photo and video Hendrik Beune speaks with Lisa Fox Valdes of Downtown Eastside Centre for the Arts where they auctioned Under the Sea as part of the Fabric Arts Program 2009 – Community Quilt Project in October

Hendrik Beune says:

I would like to present it to my parents as coming from the Beunes in Canada (including my daughters). I selected it because it struck me right away as being very beautiful and fantasy rich.

I hope that my parents will feel a connection with us through this piece for the reason that we all shared a very close connection to the sea.

My parents helped me to get through university and become a marine biologist. Hence my daughters were conceived practically on the sea shore, where we also lived and worked for many years (12 in my case).

These years were formative for my daughters, because it brought them into close contact with Mother Nature at an early age. I hope this will carry through into their adult lives and result in a respect for nature that most City born children never have the direct connection and experience of.

For my oldest , this is certainly true: She has often said that she wanted to become a marine biologist. The mermaid in this picture reminds me of my daughters’ early childhood, as we traveled to town in a small boat on a weekly basis and were on the beach practically every day.

The mermaid in the quilt represents my daughters!

I will recount the above story to my parents as I present them with the quilt for their 60th Wedding Anniversary! 🙂

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