Al Tkatch of AHA MEDIA and Ron become parody Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Jack Layton

Parody of Stephen Harper and Jack Layton

In this video, Al Tkatch of AHA MEDIA and his good friend Ron and fellow musician Ron become parody Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Jack Laytonour federal political party leaders of Canada

This was filmed by April Smith of AHA MEDIA on a HTC TITAN mobile cameraphone. April is passionate and skilled in making Nokia films by exploring mobile media production through the camera lens of a cellphone. For a better quality version of this video, please DM April Smith @AprilFilms on Twitter.

Parody of Stephen Harper and Jack Layton 2

 Below are videos filmed by April Smith on a Nokia N77 when she first started to learn how to film on a mobile cameraphone.

Imagine Prime Minister  Stephen Harper and Jack Layton playing guitars together?

Al Tkatch and Ron play the song  “Framed”


Al Tkatch and Ron play the song “La Grange”

Al Tkatch and Ron playing ” Spirit in the Sky”

Hendrik Beune, Director of AHA MEDIA film of Al Tkatch and Ron playing “Stuck in the middle with you”

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