Longer Hours, Bigger Menu and FREE WIFI to come for Super Sub in Vancouver Downtown Eastside

 It’s been over a month since Super Sub opened up at 106 East Hastings by Columbia giving Vancouver Downtown Eastside residents a chance to eat fresh and healthy meals at affordable prices 🙂




In this video, Lorraine Murphy of http://www.raincoastermedia.com asks Tariq, the manager of Super Sub at 106 East Hastings by Columbia in Vancouver Downtown  Eastside, what his new plans are. 🙂

 Exciting new changes include more dining tables and free WIFI for customers.  Super Sub menu has expanded to include breakfast items and his hours of operation are from 7 A.M. to 2 A.M! 🙂 

The Vancouver Downtown Eastside needs healthy and great tasting late night places to eat  and FREE WIFI to stay connected to the online communities! 🙂

This  video was filmed by April Smith of AHA MEDIA on a Nokia N95 mobile cameraphone. April is passionate and skilled in making Nokia films by exploring mobile media production through the camera lens of a cellphone. For a better quality version of this video, please DM April Smith @AprilFilms on Twitter.

AHA MEDIA will be continuing to give Media Sponsorship by helping to build Super Sub of the Vancouver Downtown Eastside ( DTES ) a website and an online presence. 🙂

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