Home > AHA Media, April Smith, Artist, Citizen Journalism, Downtown Eastside, DTES, Hastings Street, Media Sponsors, Nokia N95, Twitter, Vancouver Downtown Eastside > Greg Milne aka G-Rock, a Vancouver DTES “Outsider” Artist shows his work

Greg Milne aka G-Rock, a Vancouver DTES “Outsider” Artist shows his work

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In this video, Greg Milne aka G-Rock, a local DTES resident and new “Outsider” artist presents his latest work.

He is a drummer and has been playing for 43 years!  He has played with the band Rapid Fire in the 1980’s and waxes nostagically about his youth in the local Strip bars – the Marr and the Drake Hotel.  He laughs on how two strippers took him to Hawaii for fun in the sun! 🙂
He recalls that 3 years ago that he couldn’t even draw stick men and now he enjoys creating art for the enjoyments of his friends!  He quips that if “We only use 11% of our brains, then we have 89% left to discover ourselves 🙂


He’s been drawing for 3 years now and even his mother wonders where he got his talent from!

He proudly says that when he gives away his artwork to friends, they display it in their living rooms 🙂



Now at the young age of 50 years  he says “It’s not the way you look past a first impression, it’s not having one that makes for a special person with a giving heart!”


AHA MEDIA is proud to meet G-Rock – A great Vancouver Downtown Eastside ( DTES ) Outsider Artist helping to make his world beautiful 🙂



This was filmed by April Smith of AHA MEDIA on a Nokia N95 mobile cameraphone. April is passionate and skilled in making Nokia films by exploring mobile media production through the camera lens of a cellphone. For a better quality version of this video, please DM April Smith @AprilFilms on Twitter.

more about “g rock and his art“, posted with vodpod
  1. emma
    February 3, 2011 at 11:08 pm

    thats amazing!! i like how the faces are all connected and you are an amazing aurtist, im so supprized you have never had any art expeirence 🙂

  2. brandi
    September 23, 2012 at 8:44 pm

    g rock i luv him

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